Saturday 3 December 2016

PR: Then and now

PR 'can no longer work in silos'

Traditionally PR and Digital Marketing teams have worked in isolation. However, looking at today's digital world this can no longer work as the way consumer obtain information has changed drastically. The traditional PR methods must be revised in order to accommodate more of digital PR approach. In fact, PR and digital marketing methods should actually work together to focus on demonstrating value i.e. the impact on web traffic, leads and sales - through the delivery of great content and this cannot be done by either of disciple in isolation. 

As the newsroom culture is transforming, digital newsroom are becoming vital for success of PR campaigns. The introduction of internet was the turning point for PR - it made every aspect in PR work so much faster than before. it brought emails, blogs & social media to the PR platform. This new PR lets us create actual relationships rather than just putting out our information out there & hoping to succeed. With the internet we can efficiently research & target exactly who we want our information to go out to. Once we have our targets, we work quickly to make connections & build the relationships that are needed for our success through social media networks.

PR 1.0 Vs PR 2.0
PR 1.0 Vs PR 2.0

PM Narender Modi has beautifully described technology as a means to "discover, learn, evolve and implement." Understanding this in PR perspective, PR pros need to discover the new digital technologies, embrace the Digital age and reinvigorate our PR and Marketing strategies for the new year!

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